Utrecht, Pays-bas - Utrecht Early Music Festival
Concert avec Tasto Solo
SAMEDI 28 AOÛT 2021 15H UTRECHT, Pays-Bas  |  Utrecht Early Music Festival
Utrecht Early Music Festival

Concert avec Tasto Solo

Vincenzo Ruffo ca. 1508-1587
La Gamba

Vincenzo Ruffo / Philippe Verdelot ca. 1480/85-before 1552
Dormendo un giorno

Pavana - Il Saltarello
(uit: MS Castell’Arquato, 16th century)

Vincenzo Ruffo / Jacques Arcadelt 1507?-1568
Quand’io penso al martire

(from: MS Castell’Arquato)

Vincenzo Ruffo
Lieti felici spirti

Pavana - Il Saltarello
(from: MS Castell’Arquato)

Vincenzo Ruffo
Gentil mia donna


Tasto Solo

Anne-Kathryn Olsen, soprano
Riccardo Pisani, tenor
Pau Marcos, viola da gamba
Bor Zuljan, renaissance lute
Bérengère Sardin, renaissance harp
Bertrand Cuiller, harpsichord

Guillermo Pérez, organetto and musical direction
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SAMEDI 28 AOÛT 2021 15H UTRECHT, Pays-Bas
Utrecht Early Music Festival

Geertekerkhof 23
3511 XC Utrecht
W www.utrecht.remonstranten.nl
T +31 (0)30 2310347


Tasto Solo

Anne-Kathryn Olsen, soprano
Riccardo Pisani, tenor
Pau Marcos, viola da gamba
Bor Zuljan, renaissance lute
Bérengère Sardin, renaissance harp
Bertrand Cuiller, harpsichord

Guillermo Pérez, organetto and musical direction
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Tasto Solo

Tasto Solo

Tasto Solo combines creativity, historical research, and virtuosity in its exploration of medieval and early renaissance music. Led by director and founder Guillermo Pérez, the ensemble illustrates the refinement of this exquisite repertoire through a unique musical language comprised of dramatic rhythm, mise-en-scène, improvisation, and a playful dialogue between performers.

Tasto Solo’s acclaimed discography includes two volumes from a triptych project devoted to 15th century keyboard music, « Meyster ob allen Meystern » and « Le chant de leschiquier », as well as a new disc devoted to early 16th century period, « Early Modern English Music: 1500-1550 » (all released by Passacaille). These recordings have received multiple international press awards including the Diapason d’Or, ICMA Nomination, Amadeus « CD of the Month », Ritmo & Audio Classica’s « Excellent », Pizzicato’s « Supersonic », Scherzo’s « Exceptional », France Musique « Coup de Coeur ».

Since its international debut in 2006, Tasto Solo has performed in prestigious concert halls and early music festivals all over Europe, including L’Auditori de Barcelona, Brussels’ Bozar, Konzerthaus Berlin, Wiener Konzerhaus, Utrecht Oude Muziek Festival, the Fondation Royaumont, Antwerp’s Laus Polyphoniae, Festival de Saintes, Concertgebouw Brugge, Tage Alter Musik Regensburg, Montalbne Festival, Festival de Ribeauvillé, Cantar di Pietre, Wratislavia Cantans, Festival de Música Antigua de Sevilla, Semana de Música Religiosa de Cuenca, Printemps des Arts de Nantes, Voix et Route Romane and The Early Music Russian Foundation, among many others. In 2020 the group made its debut in the USA with a concert tour in collaboration with the Arizona State University Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.

Tasto Solo is Artist-in-Residence at the Chteau de Bournazel in Aveyron, France. The ensemble is also associated with the Académie Bach in Arques-la-Bataille, France, for the research and development of new programmes.

http://www.tastosolo.com/ . . .

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